IN ISRAEL, NETANYAHU congratulated newly elected president Donald Trump, stating that Israel has a "shared destiny" with America. President-elect Donald Trump invited Netanyahu to meet with him as soon as the Israeli Prime Minister can arrange his travels.
In the face of criticism for earlier statements by Netanyahu which were interpreted by world leaders to be a willful disregard of international law and UN resolutions, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu had refrained from making further controversial statements in his congratulatory statements on the election of President-elect Donald Trump. Netanyahu's restraint however, was not reflected by the rest of his ultra conservative cabinet members. Netanyahu's ultra conservative members shouted to Israel's press, that Trump's election marks "the end of the two State solution" and is "an end to the existence of Palestine."
Netanyahu's ultra conservative appointments called for an "immediate move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem" in a symbolic message that Israel has annexed Jerusalem from Palestine.
Currently, no country in the world has located their Embassy in Jerusalem. No country currently recognizes Israel's claim of Jerusalem as its capital, based on the recognized legal status of East Jerusalem under international law.
The United States consistently, from Republican through Democratic Presidents, has refused to locate the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Netanyahu among other top cabinet officials have called for the US Embassy to be moved quickly to Jerusalem.
It was earlier reported, that Donald Trump earlier made a personal promise to Netanyahu to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
Trump's promise goes against long-standing policy of the US and against UN resolutions and world-wide recognized international law.
The Israeli Occupation of East (Old) Jerusalem is construed by the United Nations as a violation of international law and in violation of long standing UN Resolutions. These include the same resolutions which had created the state of Israel.
Under the "1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine," the United Nations partitioned off 78% of Palestine and gave those defined boundaries to the Zionist Party for creation of a separate Jewish state in Palestine.
Under the terms of the 1947 UN Partition Plan, Israel was given West (new) Jerusalem, while East Jerusalem remained within the original country of Palestine. Israel militarily occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.
The UN has reaffirmed Israel's illegal occupation of East Jerusalem through UN Resolution 242 and subsequent resolutions which call for Israel's withdrawal to boundaries defined prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. International law experts note that no country is permitted to acquire lands through annexation of another country or region.
The UN Charter, the Law of War on Land (1907), numerous UN Resolutions and post Napoleonic Custom and Protocol under International Law, prohibits any country from "Acquisition by Annexation" of lands.
Many newspaper references to the status of Jerusalem inaccurately portray the issue of Israel Occupation of Jerusalem as a competition by both Palestinians and Israelis for East Jerusalem to be their capital.
Despite that portrayal, according to the United Nations and world community, the current legal status of East Jerusalem is that it was never a portion of the lands partitioned by the UN and given to Israel.
UN spokespersons, including the UN Secretary General have noted that East Jerusalem historically remains within the original country of Palestine under the UN Partition Plan and under International Law.
President-elect Trump is poised to disregard the world community and international law by acting on reported favors requested by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, relating to the US Embassy and Occupation of East Jerusalem and eliminating the State of Palestine.
On the election of Trump, President Abbas of Palestine congratulated President-elect Donald Trump and promised to work towards peace in accordance with UN Resolutions and under International Law governing the status of East Jerusalem.
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