Tuesday, August 31, 2010


INSTITUTIONAL MORALITY:  responsible government in conflict zones

News reports of the Palestinian gunman who killed four Israelis in Hebron today, highlight the higher duty to protect innocent people that "conflict zone governments" have.

The crazed Palestinian gunman's actions are reprehensible.

Hamas' reported "support of the gunman" is equally reprehensible.

Although Hamas has not announced responsibility for the murders, Hamas' reported public statement of support places Hamas in the shoes of the gunman.

All rational people acknowledge that the incomprehensible inhumanity of Israelis against Palestinians and Palestinians against Israelis is an insane cycle of each state's subjugation of human dignity to the level of stepped on weeds.

This insane cycle of immorality and murder must stop.

Where one conflict zone government inflicts thousands of deaths on the other and the other inflicts tens of deaths, each government is equally responsible and condemned for causing the death of a single person.

All governments which are politically institutionalized in a conflict zone have a higher and global duty to protect innocent lives from the criminals within their state's boundaries.

Like principles of physics, every political event, condition and incident of national rage is a mixture of right and wrong reasons which led to a catastrophic event.

But make no mistake about it. 

When a conflict zone government fails to protect and punish for murderous, recalcitrant behavior by their citizens, no reason will absolve that government from responsibility.

The mixture of seemingly right reasons and apparent justifiable rage, dissolves into the shadows of the monumental guilt for the death of innocent lives.

At this point Hamas stands as that monument of guilt.

Moral governments do not view the murder of four innocent people as a "tiny" event in a decades-long continuum of murder and destruction by each state.

Moral governments do not kill innocent people as a public statement of opposition to another government's actions.

The killing of four Israelis today is a single catastrophic event.

It is not part of a continuum. 

Self deception does not make it part of a continuum either.

The killings are irrelevant to past, present or future events.  The killings cannot be rationalized as a statement of revenge or condemnation of past or present actions.

The killing of four Israelis today, stands alone as a single murderous event.

And the Hamas conflict zone institutionalized government is now responsible for those actions.

Although Hamas is recognized by its electorate as their representative tool against oppression and opposition to a foreign government's aggrandizement of their liberty and property, Hamas is reduced to a tool of international terror.

Today's event legitimizes the world community's stigma that Hamas is "exclusively" a terrorist organization.

The international stigma is unfortunate.

But, today's murders and announced public support, evidences that the stigma is well earned.

Ray Oliver, Esq.
(c)copyright oliver 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010


Empowering Women in Commerce

U.S. Department of State Blog


3 hours ago · Comment ·UnlikeLike · View Feedback (11)Hide Feedback (11) · ShareYou and 4 others like this.
Barry Bynum :  How about empowering Jewish Women in Jerusalem who need a house!
3 hours ago · Report
Ray Oliver:   How about UN Sec Gen Ban announcing ISR settlements in occupied territories violate International Law? How about UN Fact Finding Mission into Palestine- Goldstone Report? War crimes with impugnity? Mr. Bynuum. Illegal settlements must stop and ISR global criminal behavior in UK, Dubai and other countries must not continue with impugnity. That is the only paradigm for mid east peace.
2 hours ago ·
Fouroneworld Usaglobalcom Good Community, Empowerment and Foreign Affairs program.
2 hours ago · Report
Terry Barker:   No, Ray, it is not the paradigm for peace in the mid east, and the piling on of misapplication of whatever international law is will not help. The monstrous anti-Israel campaign of the self-serving surrounding nations is ridiculous and disingenuous. The tiny nation of Israel cannot be the scapegoat for the vast middle east problems that have existed for hundreds of years.
about an hour ago · Report
Ray Oliver:   Terry, the application of international and domestic laws does not depend on the size of a nation. Simply, ISR settlements in occupied territories is a violation of international law. The world community does not recognize ISR unilateral attempts to annex occupied territories. The UN Sec Gen announced the other day, that ISR settlements are international law violations and "must stop."

In Gaza, 1400 civilians were murdered, shot like fish in a barrel. The UN Fact Finding Mission evidences these atrocities. ISR's diplomat was expelled from UK, Dubai because of ISR's violation of the laws of those countries. ISR has an illegal atomic weapons program, which is outside of IAEA inspections. ISR is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty.

I was personally informed by a member of the UN Peacekeeping staff, that ISR specifically targeted the UN Peackeeping facilities. (He is an alumni (sic) alumnus of my university and is Irish)...

ISR recently made it illegal for Palestinians to recognize a day of rememberance for the loss of thier their country. This violation of a fundamental right of humans to express themselves is condemned by the world community. When does ISR's violation of international laws and the ignoring the demands of the world community stop?

I have written, that I am "bi prolar." I am pro Israel and pro Palestinian. It is time for Israel to be held accountable for its wilfull and wanton actions. ISR has no incentive for peace, where it enjoys unchecked, global gangster conduct with impugnity. This model needs to change.
about an hour ago ·
Ray Oliver:   Excuse me: corrections: "their" "alumnus"
(c)copyright Oliver2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

REPLY TO MATHABA NEWS NETWORK: Haiti disaster, natural or man made

REPLY TO MATHABA NEWS NETWORK:  Haiti disaster, natural or man made

THE JANUARY 28th ONLINE article posted by Lendman of Mathaba News Network , surprisingly takes the first step toward responsible journalism by Mathaba.   Mathaba News Network is one of the largest digital multi-platform news distribution services in the world.

In addition to being one of the largest information transmittal companies, Mathaba has achieved the distinction of disseminating stories that typically contain bizarre accusations which are written without credible sources.  Mathaba is a purported news distribution service, which is in fact an "off the wall" propaganda branch of a government that apparently presents itself through its articles, as being hostile to the US.

The recent article "Haiti`s Earthquake: Natural or Engineered?" which was written by one of MNN's creative writing staff, outlines the theoretical causes of manmade environmental disasters, like earthquakes.

The distinction this time, was that its author Lendman, did not make unsourced or bizarre accusations in the article.

There are no bizzare accusations that the US caused the earthquake.  Lendman implies however, that a SOUTHCOM officer was in Haiti and that this presence may evidence that the US was preparing for a potential environmental disaster from planned testing.

Unfortunately, the author in the typical Mathaba vein, fails to identify his source for saying that a SOUTHCOM official was present in Haiti or even proving the existence of that official.

Responsible journalism requires that Lendman publish the source of his infomation to prove, that SOUTHCOM PK Keen, was in Haiti for disaster simulation one day before the quake.  Minimally, Lendman should assert that reliable sources provided the information, but that those sources would remain confidential. 

Responsible journalism never happens with Mathaba.

Responsible reporting in this article is coincidently achieved by the writer's decision not to make an insane accusation, in the absence of any facts to support the accusation. 

Personally, I believe that Mr. Lendman's hypothesis of US advance knowledge of potential environmental disaster from ordnance experiments is shaky. 

The article demonstrates specious reasoning.

It is more logical, that if the US planned tectonic experimentation, then SOUTHCOM Keen and others would have been in Haiti a lot earlier than merely one day ahead of the hypothesised environmental disaster.

Also, sources need to be cited for the various US military experimental programs that Mr. Lendman describes.

If they are not attributed to a source, they lack credibility.

Like other responsible news services, MATHABA needs to file a FOI request with the US Navy to determine if any experimental testing was performed in proximity of Haiti on or around date of the tragic and catastrophic earthquake.

At this point, Mr. Lendman's article is merely an interesting outline of causes which theoretically may contribute to environmental disruption.

But, then again, even these theories are not attributed to any source.   Therefore, the theories  present themselves as some "pie in the sky" fantasy of Mathaba News Network's staff of creative writers.

It becomes exasperating at some point.

Would you waste your nickel if Mathaba were being hawked by some corner newspaper carrier kid? 

My nickel is better spent.

(c)copyright 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010


HAITI DEMOGRAPHICS:  Despair & Promise

THE NATURAL DISASTER suffered by Haitians in the catastrophic earthquake on January 12, 2010 signals the future of Haiti as a developing country, now poised to emerge from poverty into a tourist and banking world player.

There is no doubt that the tragedy of a massive natural disaster has a socio-political, economic and religious impact on its impoverished victims.

However, along with the despair of death and her coat tails of casualties, comes a promise of institutional change through structural reorganization and the redistribution of wealth.

The CIA World Factbook http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ha.html presents a profile of despair in this Western Hemisphere's poorest country.  More than two percent of the adult Haitian population were infected with HIV-AIDS as of 2007.  Literacy rates were approximately 53 percent of the population for Haitians fifteen years and older.    Other statistics which profile Haiti's population are equally dismal.

But, natural disasters are causal factors for social change.

The hundreds of millions of dollars being spent by leading world countries in the short term rescue-stabilization campaign puts a new face on Haiti.

"Over the horizon" of the quake's debris field, lies a foreign investment wave which will wash in a new infrastructure for the country.

The opportunities for investment return are limitless.  New electrical grids along with sanitation systems and retail-office building construction projects is the promise of Haiti's future.

International banking is the necessary consequence of this financial wave.

And good infrastructure is the stimulus for world tourism.

The dynamics which will produce a new bright faced Haiti are not difficult to identify.  Simply, the future for Haitians in their country will bring them to a new level of opportunity and international respect for their recently acquired independence.

The single factor that presents difficulty in analyzing the future social composite of Haiti, will depend on her survivors.

Whether the surviving population will remain to enjoy their western tourism capital, will depend on whether those survivors represent the significantly high percentage which are afflicted with AIDS/HIV.

This difficult dynamic is also a cause of social change.  It is a fact which will determine whether Haiti recovers medically or will be burdened by a smaller population who are afflicted and are contributing to an ever increasing AIDS pandemic.

For Haiti, that future natural disaster is a different type.
(c)copyright r.oliver 2010